# free fonts for commercial use
**a collection of places to find free fonts that are suitable for commercial use.**
as a designer, i’m always up for free resources to help me get a project done or to find that extra element to make the design sing. the right font can most definitely make or break a design, but finding that perfect font can be tricky, especially when the font needs to be used in a commercial project. here’s a list of great places i’ve found to help aid in the search for that perfect font.
- [**fontsquirrel**](http://www.fontsquirrel.com/) : my favorite site for fonts because it is easy to use and the quality of fonts is quite high. they also have great tools for embedding fonts on webpages using @font-face.
- [**bunny fonts**](https://fonts.bunny.net/): alternative to google fonts with all open source fonts
- [**befonts**](https://befonts.com/) : collection of great free fonts found on the behance network. lots of great quality here.
- [**indestructible type**](https://indestructibletype.com/Home.html) : a smaller site with great quality fonts by a guy named owen.
- [**fontesk**](https://fontesk.com/) : nice collection of fonts with easy designations to see which ones are free for commercial use.
- [**league of movable type**](http://www.theleagueofmoveabletype.com/) : high quality open source fonts. join the revolution!
- [**font library**](https://fontlibrary.org/en) - open source fonts
- [**font share**](https://www.fontshare.com/) - a new site from the indian type foundry with plenty of quality free fonts
- [**fontspace**](http://www.fontspace.com/) : has tons and tons of fonts so you if the others don’t have what you need, they just might. be sure to set the filter options to only search for commercial use fonts.
- [**dafont**](http://www.dafont.com/) : lots and lots of fonts, but be sure to avoid any that are licensed ‘free for personal use’. plenty of old fonts and low quality fonts in the mix. use as a last resort.
- [**google fonts**](https://fonts.google.com/) : a huge growing list of fonts that can be used for web typography. all the fonts can be downloaded and used for other purposes as well although web fonts tend to be less robust than desktop fonts.
- [**latex font collection**](https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/) : free fonts good for use in LaTeX, a system for typesetting and page layout
- **[dirtyline studios](https://dirtylinestudio.com/freebies/)**: indonesian design studio’s collection of freebie fonts
**curated lists**
rather than spending time searching through the different sites for the perfect font yourself, you can lean on the work of the others by using a curated list of specific fonts that might fit your needs.
- [**google search**](http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1_____enUS449US449&gcx=c&ix=c1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=best+commercial+use+fonts%23sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&rlz=1C1_____enUS449US449&source=hp&q=best+commercial+use+fonts&pbx=1&oq=best+commercial+use+fonts&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=0l0l0l1267714l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=709&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&cad=b&sei=kbQIULnfEOaW2QW86bXiBw) : many designer-type people have curated their own lists of favorite commercial use fonts. this link will get you to a search for ‘best commercial use fonts’. there’s a whole wealth of fonts available from here that others are advocating for. be sure to check licensing for each font to make sure it is acceptable for commercial use.
- [**website planet's list**](https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/best-free-fonts/) : a wonderful list of specific fonts presented in an organized format. i've used a number of these fonts in my own work over the years.
- [**canva's list**](https://www.canva.com/learn/50-free-commercial-fonts/) : lots of great fonts to choose from here. the [learn section on canva's site](https://www.canva.com/learn/) has plenty of great information about different design topics.
- [**creative taco's list**](https://creativetacos.com/best-commercial-use-fonts/) : some unique choices here. definitely worth investigating.
- **[free faces](https://www.freefaces.gallery/)** : beautifully built website highlighting free fonts available across the web.
- **[best free fonts](https://bestfreefonts.com/)**: great collection presented well.
- **[uncut.wtf](https://uncut.wtf)**: nice organized collection
- **[use&modify](https://usemodify.com)**: collection of open source licensed fonts, sortable by license
- **[velvetyne](https://uncut.wtf)**: some fairly unique and unconventional faces here
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