# ambient and chill beats
The quality of your creative environment makes a difference. I’ve found that music and ambient noise can help you focus. Here are some free streaming options.
> [!info]- neat online streaming sites
> - [pool suite](https://poolsuite.net/) - old school retro style with neat mixes
> - [lofi cafe](https://www.lofi.cafe/) - lofi radio stations with a neat 8-bit visual style
> - [lofi player on zenmix.io](https://zenmix.io/lofi-player/) - chill music for coding to
> - [radio garden](http://radio.garden/) - listen to radio stations around the world just by spinning the globe
> - [generative.fm](https://generative.fm) - recipes for random generative audio tracks, mostly ambient and drone effects
> [!info]- free nature and ambient streaming sites
> - [earth.fm](https://earth.fm/) - spotify for natural soundscapes
> - [tree.fm](https://www.tree.fm/) - tune in to random forests around the world
> - [noisli](https://www.noisli.com/) - remix different nature sounds. nice interface
> - [my noise](https://mynoise.net/) - tons of great mixes
> - [my noise autumn walk in nature with birds](https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/autumnWalkSoundscapeGenerator.php?l=46556218514540363127&a=1&am=s&title=Autumn%20Walk)
> - [noizer](https://noizer.vercel.app) - similar to noisli with tons of free sounds and a premium version to unlock even more sounds
> - [ambient mixer](https://www.ambient-mixer.com/) - lots of good community stuff
> - [defonic](https://defonic.com/) - similar to noisli
> - [vibeocean](https://defonic.com/vibeocean.html) - ocean noise generator
> - [ambient-noise](https://ambient-sounds.com/) - similar to many others
> - [a soft murmur](https://asoftmurmur.com/) - standard fare. includes a coffee house
> - [muted](https://muted.io/noise-generator/) for white, pink, brown noise
> - [the white noise playlist](https://thewhitenoiseplaylist.com) - random white noise streams
> [!info]- coffee houses and offices
> - [hipster sound](https://hipstersound.com/ambience.html) - basic cafe with some extras
> - [coffitivity](https://coffitivity.com/) - several different blends
> - [rainy cafe](http://rainycafe.com/) - only two options: cafe and/or rain
> - [miss the office](https://imisstheoffice.eu/) - fun interface for turning things on and off
> - [the sound of colleagues](https://soundofcolleagues.com/#) - create your own office environment
> - [purrli](https://purrli.com/) - purring cat simulator
> - [cafe restaurant on mynoise.net](https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/cafeRestaurantNoiseGenerator.php)
> - [calm office on mynoise.net](https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/openOfficeNoiseGenerator.php)
>[!info]- chill, downtempo, synthwave electronic beats
> call it nostalgia but i love to work to chill, downtempo, synthwave, and ambient music. here are some neat sites to stream.
> - [synthwave radio](https://www.synthwaveradio.eu/)
> - [chillsynth on nightride fm](https://nightride.fm/stations?station=chillsynth) - other good channels here too
> - [groove salad on somafm](https://somafm.com/groovesalad/) - lots of other options on somafm
> - [radio spinner](https://radiospinner.com/) - plenty of great channels
> - [di fm](https://www.di.fm/) - plenty of great electronic channels with random daily free channels