# recharging Recharging is an important part of the [[! creative process]]. When [[burnout]] happens, need a reset to re-find your enjoyment of the process. More importantly, try to build a [[! creative lifestyle|lifestyle]] habit of recharging on a regular basis before burnout becomes an issue. Recharging is about stepping back from the chaos to rest and reset. It is about taking the time to deal with the chaos from a distance instead of engaging directly with it. It is also about finding joy in the mindful present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Here are some ways to recharge, grouped into sections that make sense to me. **Detach from outcomes and deadlines.** Focus on the process of doing whatever you are doing and not the product our results. Ignore the concepts of failure or success, good or bad. [[give yourself permission to play|Play for the sake of playing with no other purpose.]] Experience doing things for their own sake. Be present. Be grateful for what you have. **Cultivate [[silence]] in your day.** Tie into the concept of [[white space]] in design. Simplify. Enjoy solitude. Avoid distractions. Turn off devices. Ignore the news and social media. Clear out the clutter, both mental and physical. Move slowly and deliberately, focusing on one thing at a time. Read [Tai Sheridan](http://www.taisheridan.com/)’s short book [[buddha in blue jeans]] for ideas on what you can learn by sitting quietly. **Treat your mind and body well.** Sleep. Rest. Meditate. Go slow. Ease through your day. Let your mind wander. Empty your mind. Take a shower or sit in a bubble-bath. Masturbate. Eat good food mindfully. Stretch your body. **Clear your head.** Journaling, list making, and other writing as active meditation. Put down thoughts to clear your head or to plan out the upcoming day. Make a brain-dump. Try out Julia Cameron’s [Morning Pages](https://juliacameronlive.com/basic-tools/morning-pages/): a daily process of stream of consciousness longhand writing to clear your mind. **Focus on the things that bring you joy.** Read books. Listen to music you like. Watch movies you’ve seen a million times. Cook for yourself. Follow a hobby. Settle into those positive patterns and activities that you already know work for you. Enjoy the small pleasures. **See the world around you with artistic eyes.** It doesn't matter if you are an artist or not, just look at the details of the world with fresh eyes. Try sketching and drawing from life, the more mundane the better. Mindful observation of your world whether you sit and observe or take a walk around. Check out Rob Walker’s [Art of Noticing book](https://www.amazon.com/Art-Noticing-Creativity-Inspiration-Discover/dp/0525521240) and [website](http://robwalker.net/noticing/) for tons of ideas on how to see the world in new ways. --- Learn more… - [How to Live in a Hut](https://www.theschooloflife.com/article/how-to-live-in-a-hut/) - [We All Need White Space to Color a Beautiful Life](https://nosidebar.com/beautiful-life/) - [28 Ways to Find the Stillness You Need to Thrive](https://tim.blog/2019/09/26/stillness-is-the-key-ryan-holiday/)