# notes on the creative process This serves as a general index of the pages in this section. In Knowledge Management, a [Map of Content (MOC)](https://notes.linkingyourthinking.com/Cards/MOCs+Overview) is a tool to organize and understand the content. I’m using it here to better streamline all of my notes on creativity to help understand where there are gaps and to help readers better find information they are seeking. It is like a Table of Contents with sections and chapters. ## an attempt at definition ==Designers create solutions to problems.== Trying to find a definition for the creative process and it is difficult. A workflow to define and understand a vague random need and work through a process to define and realize a viable functional solution that satisfies all stakeholders. In the professional world, the process needs to be repeatable and often concurrent with multiple ongoing projects. ![[linearProcess.svg]] In a linear process, everyone starts at the same place and goes through the same steps to arrive at the same solution. This is perfect for solving math problems or using instructions to assemble furniture or following a recipe to bake cookies. Most people trust this process because they have a good idea what the finish line looks like and how they will get there. ![[nonlinearProcess.svg]] Creativity, on the other hand, doesn't follow a linear flow from start to stop, it is more of a wild chaotic explosion of possibilities. Everyone may start from a similar place, but then they move in their own direction seeking their own solutions. Some may start out going one way but then abruptly change direction. Some may need to double-back. Some wander randomly. A few may have a good idea and move quickly in a straight line while others may move slowly and deliberately. Amazingly, each path and direction can be moving toward a valid solution. Despite seeming chaotic and complex, there are a set of skills and mindsets that can help frame how to follow this process. I'm trying to explore and define these skills and mindsets to make sense of them for myself and to help my students find their own creative talents. I've been collecting articles and books and random notes for a long time. It is a mess of notes and thoughts spread across many platforms and formats. The collection is a bit overwhelming now that I'm trying to make sense of these ideas and put them into some format that makes sense. This is going to be an ongoing project that will take a lifetime to understand. Not a bad way to spend a life, huh? > Letting yourself go free, playing around until something comes, is often very hard work. > > — [Corita Kent](https://hammer.ucla.edu/collections/grunwald-center-collection/corita-kent/biography) --- ## artists bring new things into the world It is so magically awesome that the job of an artist is to experience their world(s) and bring back ideas and inspirations. How cool is that? > What do they do, > > the singers, tale-writers, dancers, painters, shapers, makers? > > They go there with empty hands, > > into the gap between. > > They come back with things in their hands. > > [Ursula K. Le Guin, *Always Coming Home*, page 74](https://aworkinglibrary.com/reading/always-coming-home) --- ## larger sections on creativity - [[! creative mindset|creative mindsets]] - [[! creative lifestyle|creative lifestyles]] - [[! creative activities|practical creative activities]] - [[! creative process frameworks|creative process frameworks]] - [[! professional design processes|professional design processes]] - also links to other [[creativity sites]] --- ## a few more concepts to explore - document the process - process vs product - small steps regularly - ira glass - nobody tells people who are beginners - let yourself suck - wabi-sabi and kintsugi - free association - intuition and gut-feelings - let the materials lead - dialogue with the work itself - difference between art and design - [deliberate practice](https://jamesclear.com/beginners-guide-deliberate-practice) - [triz40](http://www.triz40.com/aff_Principles_TRIZ.php) are a set of approaches to solving problems --- ## personal notes on this project - review the curated clipped content in my collection and integrate thoughts here, including links to the original sources - add quotes from my [creativity quotes collection](https://chad-bennett.github.io/creativity-quotes/) and whenever I find an interesting one in my wanderings - add my own illustrations and diagrams when relevant ![[8e0abfa9213fa581fd5db2350a22ff85_MD5.jpeg]] --- I'm always looking for more resources and concepts to share. If you have suggestions, please get in contact. This [uncopyrighted](https://uncopyright.org/)content is shared freely with the internet. --- tags: #creativity #process home: [[! creative process]]